Friday, February 01, 2008

the cocktail of work and play

so work has been draining me quite a bit. though there might be nothing to do at times, the need to act or even look busy is an extremely draining affair. getting to know the other interns is quite fun, when you discover the similarities that you share despite not knowing each other before hand. perhaps the most fun part of it is finding out that the similarity is so stark that you wonder how come you never knew him or her before. 

sometimes when you begin to discover how "different" the lives that people around you lead, you become thankful for the minor issues that bug you, and saddened by the state of their affairs. 

so many things to write, so many things to consider. 
so many things to do, so many things to discover. 
so many things to see, so many things to wonder. 
too many things. just too many. 

photos not up cos i don't really like using aperture - i still prefer to use photoshop. 

life is gonna get much busier soon . classes on monday evenings, saturday afternoons and sunday afternoons. thursday and friday night commitments, leaving only tuesday and wednesday for chilling out. i think i'm just going to tire myself out this way. there are some things that i wish to rediscover, to explore, but time is working against me. and definitely there is not time to discover a relationship right now. 

for now, i will just enjoy playing in the bits of in between time. 

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