Thursday, February 28, 2008

the amazing race

As their destination draws near, the participants ready themselves. Tightening their grips on their bags, they move closer to the exit, so that they can leave their competitors in the wake of their dust. They cannot afford to lose any second; for who knows what might stand in their way during the later part of the race. 

The train starts to pull into the station, the atmosphere within the carriage goes up a notch. They start to push closer to the exit, not wanting to leave any gap between themselves and the door. 

The doors open, and off they go! Some head for the escalator that is 3 meters further than the stairs, while the others tackle the gray stairs instead, hoping that they can out run the speed of the escalator. As they reach the top, they reach into their bags and pockets to pull out their EZ-link cards, so that they can tap out in the fastest time possible...

Welcome to the Amazing Rat Race.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

stop this train..

the times where you could take things for granted, now threaten to leave. 

and it is keeping me awake. 

"Once in a while, when it's good
It'll feel like it should
And they're still around
And you're still safe and sound
And you don't miss a thing.

Till you cry when you're driving away in the dark. " 

Monday, February 18, 2008

frozen in time

The "frozen in time" series from the last day of my exchange in Paris. These photos remind me of how much i wanted time to stay still on that day, so that i need not leave the city that i fell in love with. 

A place to find relief by basking in the limited sun of winter. 

Sometimes, solitude brings about fortitude. 

Ever had a life-changing idea sprout up in your head before, only to lose it after a few seconds? 

Frozen both ways - inside and outside

Perhaps things will remain the same when I sleep - hope they are still around when I awake. 

Wrestle as much as you want; sometimes it is easier to let go. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

le nom

i have decided on the name for my iMac - kat.le.mak 

you will realize that it is pretty lame if you understand it. 

but it is not as bad as the name of my iPod - paulie.podkat 

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!

So I decided to take photos for this year's Chinese New Year Celebration. Finally some action for the family! We used to take photos a long time ago, but somehow stopped due to my dis-interest in pictures (i always have closed eyes, thus i dislike pictures of myself). So it's my call to start things rolling again! 

So here are some from the reunion dinner cum birthday celebration for my auntie and her son. 

The VIP of the household - my maternal grandma! 

Check out the amount of food! More is to come! 

Seafood platter for one?

Grandma looking around. 

My cousin and his lovely baby!


Bored little cousin.

TV watching during dinner. 

Cousin and his dad. 

Cousin-in-law. Mother of the baby. Fav shot of the night.

Attention grabbing.

Sis and baby. 

Lovely Swensens cake. Ice cream somemore! 

Happy Birthday to youuuuu...
4 generations shot.

Group shot! 

Leave no man behind. Leave no ice-cream wasted. 

That's all folks! But we'll be back with more! 

Friday, February 01, 2008

the cocktail of work and play

so work has been draining me quite a bit. though there might be nothing to do at times, the need to act or even look busy is an extremely draining affair. getting to know the other interns is quite fun, when you discover the similarities that you share despite not knowing each other before hand. perhaps the most fun part of it is finding out that the similarity is so stark that you wonder how come you never knew him or her before. 

sometimes when you begin to discover how "different" the lives that people around you lead, you become thankful for the minor issues that bug you, and saddened by the state of their affairs. 

so many things to write, so many things to consider. 
so many things to do, so many things to discover. 
so many things to see, so many things to wonder. 
too many things. just too many. 

photos not up cos i don't really like using aperture - i still prefer to use photoshop. 

life is gonna get much busier soon . classes on monday evenings, saturday afternoons and sunday afternoons. thursday and friday night commitments, leaving only tuesday and wednesday for chilling out. i think i'm just going to tire myself out this way. there are some things that i wish to rediscover, to explore, but time is working against me. and definitely there is not time to discover a relationship right now. 

for now, i will just enjoy playing in the bits of in between time.