Saturday, November 24, 2007

Paul explores Paris - Montmartre

Jokes about the Big Plan aside, this is the first time i have worked so hard to edit my photos on the same day i took them.

So i decided to head down to Montmartre while Paris is still recovering from the massive strikes. It was a good idea as there were fewer tourists blocking my view of the things that are around me.
A really good artist drawing a picture of a man and his wife. The drawing seems to pop up at you and life-like. And yes, it is extremely flattering.

This guy was singing loads of english pop/rock hits that most bands would perform at a pub for young people. Definitely one of the more entertaining buskers I have seen around Paris.

And here is the Sacre Coeur, the church that stands at the top of the hill in Montmartre. I don't really know the significance of the church, but it was definitely much nice than the other dark and dreary churches that I have visited.

An alternate take of the Sacre Coeur, with a slightly arty feel. Love the colours of the picture. The sharpness makes it look almost fake.

I was getting a little irritated when this couple did not budge from that spot for a long time, hugging and kissing, oblivious to their surroundings, and blocking my scenic view. But I discovered that they brought out a different feel for the scene, and gladly intruded on their privacy, using them as my models.

So after a few unsatisfactory shots that did not show the passionate kissing that was happening before me, I walked away, trying to sneak in a few more shots at a better angle. This decision, was the best decision of my day.

He knelt down, clutched her hands, and asked her to marry him. (I imagined the last part as i don't know what is "will you marry me" in french) It was a really special moment for the three of us, yes, including me as an observer. The little girl in the background was unaware of the life changing moment that was occurring just behind her. The other tourists are still being entertained by the busker, and taking pictures to bring home. A smile filled with joy and tears (of joy), a reach into the pocket, and the ring was on the finger.

It is moments like this, that make me love Paris and experience that long forgotten warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Great location to propose, but for all you male readers who are thinking of doing it, I will suggest picking a different part in front of the Sacre Coeur, because kneeling on the steps is no jokes. Unless of course, you have prior practice.

And finally, who can miss the famous cafe in which Amelie was filmed at? It looked really different from my memory of it, but well, it is the One. And as the weather was pretty bad (meaning very cold and windy), I had the perfect excuse to head into the smoky cafe and order an expresso to warm myself up. Although it was kinda expensive, there was no burnt and sourish after-taste, which i really dislike in the current coffee powder I am using.

Well, I did enter the toilet for a laugh, recalling the scene where the Tabac lady saw some action with the Possessive Bummer in Amelie. The interior as you can see, is not much like the show, being much darker and smaller.

And so my day ends with me trying to squeeze into trains that were packed with office workers trying to get home. It was worse than a can of sardines. The proposal at Montmartre made the journey easier to bear with.

I leave you with a few other pictures of the day.

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