Friday, February 23, 2007

chicken pox day one.

never would i have imagined that i will fall to this diesease at this point of time. was reading up on the diesease, and i realised that most probably i caught it from a friend's dad. and i did not even go near to him!

so yes, here i am blogging about my illness. i was reflecting on the implications of chicken pox, 1) it will cause me to have a lot of backlog in my work 2) if my profs do not allow me to re-take the quizzes that are happening this week, there goes my magna.

the stupid little dots will burst one day, and they will turn into sores, so said the website. and immediately, God reminded me of Job. Job had everything that a man could want in his days. wealth, and a good family (through inferring of course). but when Satan tested him, everything was gone in short moment, and subsequently he was covered with sores. if ever my results come up bad at the end of this sem, it will be like losing all my hard work for the past 3 years. chicken pox sores and Job's sores can be vastly different, but they are still called sores. thus can you see the almost similar predicament that i am in? though it is of much less intensity.

and at this moment, these words made so much more meaning to me. "The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." - Job 1:21b .

if one day you find that everything you hold dear is gone suddenly, how will you react? i was upset at first, but subsequently, i gave thanks for whatever that i am going through. i thank Him for all that He has done for me, and what He will do for me.

God is not absent when bad things happen to you or around you. personally, i think He is calling out for your dependency on Him. i think He is calling out to you to lay down everything, and wait for Him.


Anonymous said...

eh, its just pox... i'm sure profs will allow u to retake ur quiz.. it wont implicate on your magna, and all ur hard works over the past 3yrs wont go down the drain just coz of ONE week... ha.. you very exaggerating... ;P

paul said...

haha .. but it makes out for a good story!

but my gpa is realy treading on a thin line. =)

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.